Monday, April 4, 2011

Medicare Part A and Hospitalization

On Facebook, Medicare Answers From Connie asked:  Is that a COBRA? OMG ~MILD HEART ATTACK~ Out of the HOSPITAL in a few days! WHAT PART PAYS?

Medicare Part A - 5 people picked this one
Medicare Part B - 2 people picked this one
This Bill's Going to the Zoo! - 2 people picked this one.
ANSWER:  I really think the Zoo should offer some assistance here, but, PART A Pays! Medicare Part A pays all but $1132 (in 2011) for Hospitalization per benefit period. A benefit period begins on the first day you receive service as an inpatient in a hospital and ends after you have been out of the hospital and have not received skilled care in any other facility for 60 days in a row.

For more information on just what qualifies as an INPATIENT Hospital stay, go to

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